Today's Reading

She rolled her shoulders, unsuccessful in diminishing the tightness in her back. She had enough to worry about without adding him to the mix. Her role as an assistant makeup artist should continue to keep her busy with the background cast and away from the leads.

Lord helping, she'd push through for the next couple months in exchange for the cushion to her bank account. She wouldn't even have this job if Celise hadn't suggested her to the film's key makeup artist. Having a cousin in the fashion industry had its benefits. Especially since she thought she'd never work on a film set again.

The brakes gave a small squeal of protest as she backed her daddy's Ford down the driveway. This little tucked-away neighborhood had once been a refuge, a place of sanctuary for her family. Over the last few years, the cozy town of Hope Springs, Alabama, had grown larger than the intimate place she'd grown up in. With several government agencies and technology companies relocating to nearby Huntsville, Hope Springs had caught the overflow of expansion. Houses filled the acres that had once been lengthy fields of wheat and cotton. Some streets had been widened to accommodate the traffic, a shock to the community members who'd lived in this area since before the first stop sign was installed.

Adanne didn't mind the new restaurants popping up or the better roads and venues. But she could do without the traffic complicating her commute to the set of the forthcoming film Fighting for Home.

The yellow light before her coming turn increased the tightness in her chest. The truck reluctantly pulled to a stop at the red light. Air whooshed out of her mouth as she leaned back against the worn leather seat. In all the scurrying, she hadn't taken a moment to be grateful.

"I'm sorry, Lord." Adanne leaned forward, shifting onto the highway after the light clicked to green. "I asked for something to hold me over a little longer. Now, all I can do is complain."

God had shown up right when she needed him to. Her desperate prayers the past few weeks had met with a surprise solution. Even so, it would only solve part of her problem. The letter from the bank a few days ago couldn't have come at a worse time. But she wouldn't let anything keep her from appreciating the provision that had come through a phone call.

Maybe, just maybe, he'd drop another miracle in her lap.

Adanne exhaled as her truck pulled up to the set with ten minutes to spare. The historical depot served as the main filming location, with its older warehouses and abandoned stores. Bittersweet remains of some of the small mom-and-pop shops on the outskirts of Hope Springs, unable to keep up with the town's growth. Reminders of long Sunday drives, buying ten-cent candy from glass containers that lined the shelves of the convenience store. But now, it was just a figment of the past as the residents moved out, leaving shells of memories behind.

She drove in the front entrance of the movie set base camp, giving the security guard her identification and what she hoped was a confident smile. He handed her ID back with cracked hands and a nod.

She maneuvered her truck past storefronts and houses that had come to life and others that looked to be in a state of disarray. Thankfully, the old store was still intact, just like she remembered it. Maybe if she peered long and hard enough, she would see her daddy walking out the front door, a peppermint stick hanging from his mouth. Grasping an ice cream cone in each hand, he'd have a twinkle in his eye because he knew good and well Mama had said no extra treats.

Adanne willed her memories to stay in a safe and controlled place like the rings hanging around her neck. She may not be able to bring her parents back, but what she did here was for them.

After parking in the crew lot near the main unit base, she headed to the office trailers to check in.

Alex, the key makeup artist, glanced up at the light knock. "Oh, Adanne, I was just going to call. You're moving from the backgrounds trailer." She gave a quick smile and resumed her scan of the laptop in front of her.

Adanne paused at the door of the trailer that housed the offices. "Why the change?" Though she tried her best, she couldn't keep the higher pitch from her throat or the sense of foreboding from creeping into her gut. "Is everything okay?"

The older woman shrugged nonchalantly as she tapped her papers on her desk. "One of the personal artists had to leave set. Family emergency. I need you in the main trailer to fill in."

*  *  *

"Did I miss something?"

John pushed open the door to his assigned trailer expecting to see his personal makeup artist, the one who'd been with him to every set since his first feature film. She knew his face like the back of her hand. And he knew every cackle and wisecrack that she would recycle throughout their production schedule.

He couldn't say the same for the familiar stranger at his chair who had her back turned toward him. He leaned in, eyes traveling down the rest of the trailer.

Where is Doris?

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